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Excerpt from Mark Seider’s article on InvestmentNews, “The Regulatory Tightrope” – “What is needed is forward-looking regulation that can level the playing field between Wall Street and Main Street, create appropriate incentive structures and penalty functions, and protect people from … Continue reading
Wall Street will never stop springing these surprises so long as : 1) Global bank regulation allows it. 2) Management of banks believe it will never happen to them. 3) Training of bank staff in risk management is universal and … Continue reading
The article linked below from the NY Times today further reinforces a lot of the recent discussion we are hearing on the culture of many banks over the last decade or so, and how they internally score their goals: Greed – … Continue reading
Keith Waitt comments on the future for Eastern European banking McKinsey has recently published an article about the future of banking in Eastern Europe (“What’s ahead for banking in Eastern Europe”), This article proved to be thought-provoking in unexpected ways, … Continue reading
Global Financial Crisis …a refreshing perspective! Last week, a prominent American journalist, Bill Moyers, interviewed John S. Reed, the former CEO of Citicorp and Citigroup. It was broadcast as part of a television series about the cause of the global … Continue reading